Pipeline Design
I3 Engineering and Consulting is your pipeline design specialist in the Mid-Atlantic. Our recent projects have ranged in size from 6 inch through 42 inch; from just a few hundred feet to projects covering hundreds of miles; from New York to South Carolina. We are your one-stop shop for any facet of a pipeline project. Our surveyors have decades of pipeline experience and have routed and surveyed several of the major pipeline projects on the east coast. Our mapping group can provide alignment sheet development, GIS mapping, or permit drawings such as those needed for road and railroad crossings.

I3's engineers are well versed in both the DOT Part 192 and ASME B31.8 codes. We perform pipeline classification and pipe material specification per those codes. We develop hydrostatic testing plans for the testing of pipelines prior to in-service.
We have performed countless designs of bored crossings for both conventional pipeline bores and horizontal directional drills including the pipe stress analysis for both.
Our engineers layout and design the facilities required along the pipeline including valve settings, pig launchers and receivers and pipeline drips. We utilize the latest software with 3D CAD modeling to perform all our piping layouts and designs. The software auto-generates bills of materials and isometric drawings as needed for the client. In some cases, our clients request material requisitioning and tracking through our team of Material Specialists.

I3 Engineering has seasoned Project Managers that can help our clients manage pipeline projects. These Project Managers can develop construction scopes of work and technical specifications for bidding; bid and administer construction contracts; and develop and track project schedules and cost estimates so that our client's projects get completed on time and under budget.
I3 Engineering helps our clients on the back end of pipeline projects as well. We employ several craft inspectors that can be sent to the field or shop to inspect construction and/or fabrication contractors. These inspectors are trained and certified in their given field. Additionally, many of our client’s request I3 Engineering to assemble the completed DOT records books at the end of a project. These books contain the field as-builts, welding, coating, materials and other pertinent records to show compliance with DOT and ASME code regulations.